So context-dependent learning is a form of encoding specificity, and state-dependent retrieval is the recall of info learned with encoding. State dependent retrieval is an example of retrieving something after performing context dependent learning. For the second criterion of non-fatigue practice, the data appeared to support the specificity principle but the rigorous test of the differences did not reach statistical significance. Context dependent learning is predicated on the principle of encoding specificity.

Specificity: the ability of a test to correctly identify people without the disease. The results supported the specificity hypothesis that practicing a gross motor task under conditions of heavy-fatigue would facilitate performance of that task under criterion heavy-fatigue conditions. Box 1 Common terms Sensitivity: the ability of a test to correctly identify patients with a disease.

Fatigue was induced by a step-up task so that a minimum HR of 180 beats/min was attained prior to each ladder trial. Furthermore, these results do not accord with the prediction from the encoding specificity principle. On day 4 both groups practiced under the second criterion of non-fatigue conditions. ENCODING SPECIFICITY VS ASSOCIATIVE CONTINUITY 75 & Routten, Note 1) replicate neither the findings of Thomson and Tulving (1970) nor those of Santa and Lamwers (1974). The control group practiced under conditions of heavy interpolated fatigue on the first 3 days with day 3 representing the heavy-fatigue criterion conditions, while the experimental group did the same except for day 2 when a vowel-cancelling task was substituted for the fatigue task. retro active and proactive are going to be most subseptable to it. less decay and inference, contribution of short term memory. recency: the last 3 items are remembered, the best and usually the 1st items that ppl write down. Thirty-six college females were randomly assigned to either an experimental or a control group and both groups received 54 practice trials on a ladder climb task over four consecutive days (3,18,18 and 15 trials/day, respectively). priming: contribution of longterm memory. Application of the principle goes beyond that though, often supporting unsafe and stupid. This makes sense at first, as you would never expect to run a mile well by only lifting heavy weights. O only similar kinds of information can be encoded together. The principle of specificity states that training should closely match the activity that you wish to improve. O anything encoded with information can be a retrieval cue for that information. associative networks are formed of similarly encoded pieces of information. The purpose of the present study was to test the specificity of training principle from exercise physiology in the context of motor skill acquisition. Question: Question 11 The encoding specificity principle states that similar kinds of information are encoded into common schemas.